Welcome to the East Chilliwack Elementary Library!
If you click on the Destiny image above, it will take you to our school's library catalog, search from there, or click on the Destiny Quest button on the left.
Spring is here and with it many changes! I hope everyone is doing well in these unusual times. Working from home is not nearly as fun as coming in and seeing everyone's faces in the library, but I'm excited by all the opportunities available at this time. Even though libraries are not able to run, there are many online reading resources such as Epic and Tumblebooks that are free and easy to access. If at any time you are wanting help accessing digital reading material, feel free to email me at crystal_bergen@sd33.bc.ca and I will do my best to support you.
Also, good news, I will be continuing with this years Super Reader home reading program! Please remember to have students read daily at home so they can earn prizes from the library! I will keep track of anyone who notifies me via email when their child hits 150, 200 and 250 nights of reading. Kiwanis will continue to support us with this and the $6 Cole's gift certificate. I may need to get creative with how I hand out the awards, but I think it is important that everyone continues to read everyday.
Happy reading everybody!
Mrs. Bergen
* Need help finding books to read? Try one of the links below:
*Online Resources:
Username & password is chwk33
K-Grade 2
K-Grade 5
If at any time you have questions about what is happening in the library, please feel free to email me at crystal_bergen@sd33.bc.ca.